The last date for comments on the new (to be 38th) radome was originally 6 July.  However Harrogate Borough Council queried the height of the new radome in August and asked for more details - the new radome will be very high and to the northeast of existing radomes.

Subject: New planning app made for Menwith Hill


Achieving global nuclear disarmament is one of the oldest goals of the United Nations.


Launch of Major Report on Menwith Hill Station near Harrogate UK reveals serious lack of accountability and democratic oversight of the activites operating

12 November 2021

Planning Application to Harrogate District Council

Application is here


Beyond Missile Defence & Space Weapons

Meeting organised by Abolition 2000.


Peace & Craft Fair 2021

Victoria Hall, Saltaire

Saturday 27th November 2021

Find the MHAC stall in the York Room (upstairs)

Copies of the new report "Menwith Hill in 3D: Domes, Data and Drone Strikes will be available.

We can also tell you about how to volunteer to support MHAC.

24th March 2022

Statement made by the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement