Menwith Hill base

There are about 800 military bases around the world located in more than 70 countries. This fact alone reflects the status of USA as a dominant military world power.

Americans are told that they are essentiall for maintaining global security and worldwide peace, yet having  other countries'  military bases in the US would be unthinkable to the majority of American citizens. The bases have an estimated annual cost of more than $156 billion and can be home to drones, surveillance aircrafts, prepositioned aircrafts and supplies, training areas, nuclear weapons installations, missile testing sites, and many other functions.

'Keep Space for Peace', part 1 – NSA Menwith Hill

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A trip to NSA Menwith Hill, for the 'Keep Space for Peace' week gathering. It's possible to say many things about this site, and give a technical analysis of its capabilities, but what concerns me is something relatively simple. Who is accountable for the acts carried out within the perimeter fence?

In this short film I take a look around the site, look at a little of its history, and document the marvellous Tuesday evening actions that take place here each week. The last third gives a brief digest of the presentations from the 'Keep Space for Peace' global event at Menwith.

'Keep Space for Peace', part 2 – USAF Croughton

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This video investigates not just USAF Croughton ('RAF' assumes a level of control that does not, in reality, exist), but also the evolution of the idea of "network-centric warfare" as it has developed at this site.

USAF Croughton is about to undergo a large upgrade to extend its mission. The new 'Joint Intelligence Analysis Centre' (JIAC) will create an intelligence hub in Europe that will co-ordinate NATO (but predominately US) military and intelligence services across the new 'electronic battle space'.

That means not just continuing its existing involvement in various activities which violate international law and the Laws of War; it will intensify the capacity of the US to project its power using technology across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.

The video concludes with a brief snippet from the 'Keep Space for Peace' week demonstration and rally at Croughton in October 2017.

David Vine: American Bases Around The World

David Vine wrote the book Base Nation, published in 2015, about US military bases around the world. This work is based on years of research and explains how these bases do not serve America's security or best interests, rather they anger and cause many in these occupied countries to rise up and demand that America go home.