International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

Mark the day for the elimination of nuclear weapons

Achieving global nuclear disarmament is one of the oldest goals of the United Nations. It was the subject of the General Assembly’s first resolution in 1946, which established the Atomic Energy Commission (dissolved in 1952), with a mandate to make specific proposals for the control of nuclear energy and the elimination of atomic weapons and all other major weapons adaptable to mass destruction. The United Nations has been at the forefront of many major diplomatic efforts to advance nuclear disarmament since. In 1959, the General Assembly endorsed the objective of general and complete disarmament. In 1978, the first Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament further recognized that nuclear disarmament should be the priority objective in the field of disarmament. Every United Nations Secretary-General has actively promoted this goal.

Take time to reflect on how we can all contribute to

the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.

Tea will be served at the main gates of Menwith Hill

Date:   Sunday 26th September 2021

Time:  4pm – 5pm.

You are welcome to join us for this brief period of thinking about how to eliminate nuclear weapons.


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