How do we work?
MHAC is focused on American bases in the UK and world wide. We are grounded in non-violent ways of working which includes:
Raising public awareness, scrutiny and accountability of American bases – locally, nationally and internationally;
Opposing the US Missile Defense system.
MHAC works to reveal this by:
Asking questions of those in a position to make major decisions about our lives;
Organising regular demonstrations at Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire;
Using the democratic process by working with local councillors, MPs and MEPs – asking Parliamentary questions;
Taking action through the legal system to change unsafe law – bringing the executive to account through the courts;
Regularly monitoring US bases and local Planning Departments re proposed developments on US bases;
Working with researchers, academics, media, peace activists and groups (world wide);
Making use of the US and UK Freedom of Information Act;
Giving talks round the country;
Taking non-violent direct action and civil disobedience.
It is important to MHAC that we put out information which is well researched and confirmed by credible sources.
What difference have you made?
Small significant steps of change is how we answer and when the time comes we will hand on our work to the next generation. It is long term persistent work and we are not going away.