USA Military Empire

Conference on 20 - 22 September 2024

Ending all wars means closing all military bases. The United States of America, unlike any other nation, maintains a massive network of foreign military bases around the world, over 900 bases in more than 90 countries and territories. Here are a few reasons why we’re making closing bases the focus of this year’s conference:
• Bases are a form of colonialism, removing Indigenous people from their lands. From Panama to Guam to Puerto Rico to Okinawa to dozens of other locations across the world, the military has taken valuable land from local populations, often pushing out Indigenous people in the process, without their consent and without reparations.
• Bases cost an exorbitant amount of $$. Estimates of the yearly cost of U.S. foreign military bases range from $100 – $250 billion.
• Bases exacerbate environmental damage and the climate crisis. The U.S. military is the biggest institutional consumer of fossil fuels and producer of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Yet, military emissions are exempted from climate agreements, like the Kyoto Protocol.

The Menwith Hill Accountability Campaign endorses this conference.

Look at details on Bases

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