CAAB at Otley Green Fair 2017

Otley Green Fair Saturday 22nd April 10am to 4pm, Free entry. There is a carpark (pay and display) adjacent to the building.
CAAB will have a stall at this event, with information and items to sell on behalf of CAAB. Please visit and share your views and ideas about the US bases in the UK.
The Green Fair has been held at Otley Courthouse Arts and Resource Centre
sInce 2005. It is an opportunity for local and national campaigning organisations, environmental groups, protest groups and craftspeople to get together, welcome interested members of the public and raise awareness. There will be dancing in the courtyard by local Morris side, the Buttercross Belles. The café will be open, serving Fair Trade, organic, wholefood, vegetarian and vegan food and drinks. The venue is fully accessible. There will be a drop-in children’s workshop from 1-3pm, tickets are £2.
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