CAAB is focused on American bases in the UK and world wide and campaigns non-violently to:

  • raise public awareness, scrutiny and accountability of American bases in the UK
  • oppose the US Missile Defense system

CAAB works to reveal this by:

  • organising regular demonstrations at Menwith Hill in North Yorkshire
  • using the democratic process by working with local councillors, MPs and MEPs – asking Parliamentary questions
  • taking action through the legal system to change unsafe law – bringing the executive to account through the courts
  • regularly monitoring US bases and local Planning Departments re proposed developments on US bases
  • working with researchers, academics, media, peace activists and groups (world wide)
  • making use of the US and UK Freedom of Information Act
  • giving talks round the country
  • taking non violent direct action and civil disobedience

It is important to CAAB that information on this website is only included if it is well researched and from credible sources.